
Which Services Do You Offer?

Our NHS prescription service makes it easy for you to have your prescriptions delivered
directly to your door- for free!

We will even send you reminders, so you never forget to order your repeat medication.
We understand that care homes need specific and bespoke management so we take the time to fully understand the needs of each individual organisation to tailor individual packages.

Our pharmacy is open 7 days a week and you will have your own out of hours contact to ensure the right support is available when you need it. .
Do you have private healthcare? Or go to a private GP? Then you will receive a private prescription. Call us now on 024 7792 4124 to hear about our competitive pricing!
Our pharmacists are only a phone call or email away if you need any help with your medicines. Whatever the question, big or small, don’t hesitate to contact us for more information:


Phone: 024 7792 4124
Registration is quick and simple. Fill in the registration form here or give us a ring on 024 7792 4124 and we will be happy to help.


Placing an order with us is simple, just give us a ring on 024 7792 4124 or use the my orders tab on your account to let us know what you need! If your surgery requires you to order with them directly, we can let you know what to do.
Our repeat ordering system is designed to make it easy for you to get your medicines. Just give us a ring or use the my orders tab on your account to request your medicines, we will contact your GP for a prescription and then dispense and deliver your medicines for free.

We also remind you to order your medication so you never forget!
Some surgeries require you to order your medication with them directly and no longer accept requests from pharmacies. This is usually done over the phone or online, depending on your surgery. If you are unsure, contact your surgery for details on how to place your order.

Once you have ordered your medication and your GP has approved it, it will be sent over to us, as your nominated pharmacy, and you can benefit from our great service and free delivery!
Our reminder service is there to help you to remember to order your medicines. We can send you a text, email or give you a ring up to 10 days before you are due to run out to remind you to place your next order!
We recommend that you order your medication 7-10 days before it is needed. We can send you a free reminder 10 days before you will run out.

If you need your medication early, e.g. if you’re going on holiday, then let us know when you place your order so we can pass the information on to your surgery and you can get your medicines when you need them.
Please fill out the registration form with details of your exemption and then send us a copy of your exemption.

By post to:
6 The Mount, Coventry, Warwickshire CV3 5GU

By email to:

Please do not send any originals as we cannot guarantee they will be sent back to you.
Yes. Now, a majority of GPs can send controlled drug prescriptions electronically using the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS). However, this is at your GP’s discretion. If they issue a paper prescription, you or the GP can post it to us for dispensing (please note, this may mean that it takes a couple more days for delivery).
Yes, to set up this free service please call us on 024 7792 4124


Your medication will be delivered by our in-house delivery driver or by our courier service.

We have a few options available to you, meaning you don’t have to wait in for your delivery:

- We deliver to any address in England- have you medicines delivered to your home, work, a trusted neighbour or a friend

- Wherever possible and as long as we have your consent, we package your medicines so they fit through your letterbox. (Except controlled drugs and fridge items will require your signature or a nominated person’s signature on delivery).

- If a delivery is unsuccessful, you will always be left a card to let you know what to do next.
All NHS prescription deliveries are completely free of charge in England.

Private prescriptions or retail purchases over £35 are free of charge.

If a delivery is chargeable, you will be informed of the cost at the point of your order.
All items are packaged discreetly in unbranded boxes. There is no indication on the packaging as to the contents.
Yes. We will package all fridge items in appropriate packaging for delivery to ensure they are kept between the recommended temperatures of 2-8ºC. You will need to sign for the delivery.
Yes. We can deliver controlled drugs to any address in England. They will be sent via a tracked method and you or your nominated person will need to sign for the delivery*.

Please email or call us on 024 7792 4124 to set up your nominated person
Yes, we can deliver to any address in England. You can have your medicines sent home, to work, to a holiday home, a neighbour or a friend! If you miss a delivery, a card will always be left letting you know what to do next.
Depending on your delivery method, your medicines will be dispatched as soon as they are fully
dispensed and packed. We can even send you a text message to let you know they’re on the way!

Please email or call us on 024 7792 4124 to set up your nominated person


We hold computer records of all the prescriptions that we dispense for you. This allows us to dispense safely for you and check that all your prescriptions are safe for you against what you have in the past.

If you purchase any over-the-counter medication from us, we also record this for the same reason.

We comply with the Data Protection Act, GDPR regulations and the NHS Code of Conduct on confidentiality.

If you would like to discuss the records that we keep, please contact us at

All NHS services are provided on behalf of:

NHS England
PO Box 16738,
B97 9PT
0300 311 22 33
If you have an emergency where you need one of your regular medicines without a prescription while the GP is closed, then we may be able to help.

We must reiterate that this can only be done in an emergency and at the discretion of the pharmacist. It may incur a charge.

Please give us a call for more details:
02477 924 124

Your doctor can also contact us to request an emergency supply.

Get in touch

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